Ellie Mirman's Startup Marketing Blog

Too Wimpy for the Blogosphere?

Posted by Ellie Mirman

May 14, 2008

The blogosphere / social mediasphere has a lot of angry and irritable people. Well, the world has a lot of angry and irritable people. And the Internet makes it that much easier for them to crap all over the rest of us.

This blog post may be in the form of a rant. I apologize. I guess I'm one of those angry and irritable people? No. I don't think so. I think I'm one of the wimps who gets upset when someone unnecessarily freaks out at me online. And then go write about it on my own blog apparently. Hah.

I love how the blogosphere / social mediasphere is very informal - it feels like a real, regular conversation (and it is). But I guess when you take it too far, you end up with someone flaming another person, and someone else flaming the flamer. Does a simple comment actually need to turn into an argument (or a rant of a blog post)?

I'm still getting the hang of commenting on blogs and forums.  Knowing myself, I'll give myself a bit of time to get over my wimpiness and then I'll try again.  It would just be nice for peple to recognize that there are real, live people on the other side of the computer screen.

Topics: blogging

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