Ellie Mirman's Startup Marketing Blog

The Twisted Life of a Facebook User

Posted by Ellie Mirman

Mar 3, 2008

or,10 REASONS TO GET OFF Facebook....

I got this from no place other than Facebook itself, of course.  It's pretty scary how twisted our lives have become with the popularity of Facebook.  It's almost hard to have a typical conversation without referencing it... Jack's surprise birthday party is Saturday, did you get the Facebook invite from his girlfriend?  or, Betsy and Matt broke up, and Matt defriended her - can you believe it?  or, Katie's wedding dress was gorgeous (No, I wasn't there, I saw the photos on Facebook).

So here goes: 10 Reasons to Get Off Facebook 

1. You are at a bar or club and you suddenly realize you recognize someone. You can't figure out how and then it dawns on you... You have never met this person before, but have spent a considerable amount of time looking at their facebook!

2. After meeting someone your conversation somehow leads to - "So, are you on Facebook?

3. You do not call people anymore, you post comments and send messages through facebook.

4. You determine how cool people are by how many facebook pics they have.

5. When you're out with friends and you take a good picture you exclaim loudly, "That's going on Facebook!"

6. Conversations with friends tend to lead to, "Did you read that comment that she wrote on my wall?

7. You check your facebook as soon as you wake up, and right before you go to bed, plus 10 times you check it during the day.

8. You know exactly how many pictures people have, so when you see the number change, you get excited!!

9. You start off intending to check if you have new comments but find 2 HOURS LATER that you are still on and have no idea what you even accomplished during that time except stalk.

10. You find yourself laughing (sadly) and agreeing as you read these, and you know you're going to repost this for everyone else to see.

So true, so sadly true.

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