Ellie Mirman's Startup Marketing Blog

A Tip for Learning to Drive Your Car, Your Life, or Your Business

Posted by Ellie Mirman

Feb 8, 2011

When I was learning to drive, I had the problem that I drove too close to the right side of the road. Or maybe it was the left. It changed, depending on my point of comparison. Meaning, I was driving in relation to the lines on the road. This frequently resulted in me doing a little offroading or getting too close to the cars in the opposite lane.

Don't worry - this doesn't happen anymore. The turning point was a simple lesson I learned during Driver's Ed. My teacher - a surly man but great driver - told me to not focus on the sidelines, but instead focus on the road in front of me. Look at where I want to go, and everything else will work itself out. By looking at where I wanted to go, I would automatically correct myself to make sure I wasn't swaying off my path.

As it turns out, this advice works pretty well outside off of the road. When it comes to trying to get somewhere, think more about where you want to go or be and less about what's on the sidelines.

If it's your business, think about the big vision - do you want to grow to be a billion-dollar company?

If it's your career, think about where you want to be in 10 years - an executive? An owner of your own business?

If it's your life, what do you want to have accomplished, how do you want to feel, when you have grey hair and wrinkles?

If it's your weight, what is your lifestyle like when you're at your goal weight? (Note: I'm stil trying to prove this scenario works ;))

It's funny that a little thing mentioned to me at age 16 still sticks with me today, literally helping me guide myself to where I want to be.

Topics: work life

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