Ellie Mirman's Startup Marketing Blog

Thank You, Google, For Your Recommended Blog Feed

Posted by Ellie Mirman

Dec 2, 2007

Google does it again. I am actually quite impressed (and scared) by how Google can pick up on my interests and suggest links and blog feeds that I may actually be interested in checking out.

For the first time today I noticed a message in my Google Reader with some recommended feeds. I actually immediately clicked on the first link (Church of the Customer Blog)... marketing with a religious studies twist? Yes, please! I'm sure Google has picked up on my interest in marketing (after all most of my feeds are marketing-related) but could it also have picked up on my subtle love of religious studies?

I'm still catching up on some of the old posts to that blog, but so far I'm liking what I'm reading and it actually reminds me a bit (in terms of the overarching topic/theme) of a presentation I did in undergrad about what marketers can learn from organized religion and religious organizations. Interesting stuff for sure.

This is all fun and good, but what freaks me out is when I write an email in gmail and then a number of paid links show up on the side of my browser advertising things directly related to something I wrote in my email... A little freaky and I'm not so keen on Google reading my emails, even if it is a computer doing the reading. BUT I will say that a particular instance of this happening to me did inspire another blog post to be posted in the future... So be on the lookout.

Topics: marketing, religious studies, blogging

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