Ellie Mirman's Startup Marketing Blog

As The New Year Approaches

Posted by Ellie Mirman

Sep 18, 2009

pomegranateThis weekend marks the start of the year 5770. Tonight we celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year - also my favorite holiday.

I've never been really into New Year's (January 1), either because of when it falls (smack dab in the middle of the school year) or because of my lack of New Year's traditions. It's Rosh Hashanah that's full of traditions for me. Same situation with a lot of "American" holidays that, for me, have Jewish counterparts:

  • Thanksgiving - Passover
  • Halloween - Purim
  • Valentine's Day - really?

It's this time of year that I really do stop and think about my life, the past year, and the new year ahead. It's a celebratory and reflective time and one of the (unfortunately) few times that really get me back to my Jewish roots.

This week also marks my two-year anniversary (or, the start of my third year!) at HubSpot. It's easy to lose track of time - in general, and especially at HubSpot - and forget where I am. What's great about the mark of a new year is that it gives you an opportunity to recognize how far you've come and think about where you want to go from here. A nice checkpoint to ground yourself.

Rosh Hashanah also gives me an excuse to eat delicious, sweet food, see family and friends, and generally be happy about life (cheesey, I know, but I'm a cheesey person from time to time). With all that said...

Shanah tovah u'metukah (a sweet and happy new year) to all!

Photo by chany14

Topics: work life, family, religious studies

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